Duke University | Class of 2020


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         I am studying Computer Science and Decision Sciences at Duke University aspiring to be a software engineer. I started coding my junior year of high school, and have since taken classes on Object-Oriented-Programming, Algorithms, Data Structures, Computer Architecture, Game Development, among other subject areas. Through these classes, I have become proficient in Java, Scheme, C#, and Python, with moderate exposure to C. I am currently teaching myself HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in order to become proficient in web development.

         Aside from CS, I spend much of my time exploring North Carolina as a student leader of Duke Outing Club, having lead trips to West Virginia and all over North Carolina. Through these trips, I have been taught valuable leadership, communication, and team skills.



Financial Data Interaction: While at Tenebris Lab, I completed a VR environment for an undisclosed bank allowing users to better understand their financials. I programmed the mechanics of interacting with the environment, and created pie charts and money visualizations for the user to interact with that pulled data from a CSV file.


Computer Simulator:  A basic computer simulator that I built as my final project for CS250: Computer Architecture. My CPU performs the full fetch-decode-execute instruction cycle as it takes in commands from a hex file.

Cache Simulator

Cache Simulator:  I created a cache simulator that could be of different sizes, multiple levels of associativity, write-back and write-allocate or write-through and write-no-allocate, and different block sizes based on parameters on command line. The simulator processed an input file including loads and stores, address to access, access size, and value to be written if store. I then output every access, address, if hit or miss, and value that is loaded in the case of a hit. Click here to view the code on github.

RSA Encryption

RSA Encryption and Decryption:  I coded an algorithm to encrypt and decrypt mesage Using RSA calculations as a project for CS230: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science. Additionally, I coded an algorithm to crack the encryptions without access to the private key in order to gain access to messages intended for others.Click here to view the code on github.

Particle Photon

Server Room Monitor:  I programmed Particle Photon device to monitor temperature, humidity, motion, and door state and send information to Azure database to be monitored remotely as part of my summer internship with Bellwether Technologies. I also created PCB to attach Particle Photon to then place inside an enclosure to be put in the server room for live monitoring of the room in case of an emergency.Click here to view the code on github.

Viterbi Algorithm Path:  As part of CS230: Discrete Math for Computer Science, I created an algorithm that calculated the best pathway and corresponding probabilities using the logic of Viterbi's Algorithm. Click here to view the code on github.

Graph Pathways:  For CS230: Discrete Math for Computer Science, I created a program that created graphs, verified if pathways existed from various points on the graph, and could output a pathway from different points if it existed. Click here to view the code on github.

Personal Website: I built my personal website as I taught myself HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while utilizing Bootstrap and JQuery. I am continuously attempting to improve the features and functionality of this website.

Art Portfolio: As I mentioned earlier, I have completed paintings and drawings over the course of the past few years, including this tiger.